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Prof. Ramana Murthy J V

Professor (HAG)

Department of Mathematics

National Institute of Technology, Warangal - 506004, Telangana, INDIA

: jvr@nitw.ac.in : 8332969449


Fluid Mechanics - Non-Newtonian fluid flows, Special functions, Perturbation methods and HAM


Neither money pays,  nor name, nor fame,  nor learning;  it is  the CHARACTER that can cleave through adamantine walls of difficulties. - Swamy Vivekanada

Be good and do good - Swami vivekanada ( This is the essence of all  Sastras)

 Reviewer for the Journals:

  1. Defence Science Journal
  2. Z. N. A
  3. Begell House Journals
  4. Computers And Mathematics With Applications (CAMWA)-Elsevier 
  5. Inter.  J.  Nonlinear   Science (IJNS)
  6. Heat and Mass Transfer (Springer)





Course Taught Previously


Course Taught Previously

B.Tech  MA101, 151, 201    Mathematics -I, II and III

             MA202 Discrete Transform Techniques

MCA:    MA521-  Probability statistics and Queuing theory

M.Sc:    MA5101- Real Analysis

             MA5103- LinearAlgebra

             MA5155- Machanics

             MA6102- Fluid Dynamics

             MA       - CFD

             MA    - Data analysis with R

Int M.Sc MAI 261- Vector Calculus

MSc Tech: MA5061- Numerical Methods and Optimization Techniques


International of Publications:

  1. Iyengar, N.Srinivasacharyulu, J.V.Ramana Murthy; Drag on an elliptic cylinder in a fluid particle suspension , ZAMP, 1988, Sept, Vol. 39, pp649 - 667
  2. Ch.S.N. Iyengar, J.V.Ramana Murthy,TR.Ranganatha; Flow due to slow steady rotation of concentric spheroid and sphere, AMSE,2(B), 2000,  Vol 69, No.4, pp1 - 10.
  3. Srinivasacharya, J.V.Ramana Murthy,D.Venugolam; Unsteady stokes flow of micropolar fluid between two parallel porous plates, Int. J. Engg. Sci, 2001, Vol 39, pp1557 - 1563
  4. Srinivasacharya, J.V.Ramana Murthy ; Flow past an axisymmetric body embedded in a saturated porous medium, Comptus Renduz, (C.R.Mecanique), 2002, Vol. 330, pp417 - 423.
  5. V.Ramana Murthy, N.Srinivasacharyulu, O.Odelu; Viscous fluid flow between two parallel plates with periodic suction and injection, AMSE (B-Series, Modeling) 2007, Vol 50, No.2, pp 29 - 37.
  6. Srinivasacharyulu, J.V.Ramana Murthy, O.Odelu; Temparature distribution in a viscous fluid flow through two parallel plates due to suction at the plates, Int.J.Logic Based Intelligent Systems, 2007, Vol.1, pp 7- 17.
  7. J.V.Ramana Murthy, N.Ch.N.S.Iyengar, P.Aparna; Slow steady rotation of a permeable sphere in an incompressible micropolar fluid; IeJEMTA (Engineering & Mathematics) , Vol. 2, 2007, pp 44 - 60.
  8. J.V.Ramana Murthy, N.K.Bahali; Steady flow of a micropolar fluid through a circular pipe under a transverse magnetic field with suction/ injection;IJAMM,5(3),2009,pp1-10.
  9. J.V.Ramana Murthy, N.K.Bahali; Unsteady flow of micropolar fluid in a rectangular channel under a transverse magnetic field; IJMESEA, Vol 3(II), 2009, pp 245- 256.
  10. J.V.Ramana Murthy, G.Nagaraju; flow of a couple stress fluid generated by a circular cylinder subjected to longitudinal and torsional oscillations; contemporary Engineering Sciences, Vol 2(10),2010, pp 451- 461.
  11.  J. V. Ramana Murthy, G. Nagaraju and P. Muthu; Numerical solution of longitudinal and torsional oscillations of cylinder with suction in a couple stress fluid; Journal of Engg & Appl. Sci, Vol 5,No 5,(May2010)pp 51-63,. 
  12. Aparna, J.V.Ramana Murthy; Oscillatory flow of an incompressible micropolar fluid past a permeable sphere; IJAMM  6(7)2010 , pp 1-12.
  13. Aparna, J.V.Ramana Murthy; Uniform flow of an incompressible micropolar fluid past a permeable sphere; IEEMS, 8, 2010, pp1 - 10.
  14. Aparna, J.V.Ramana Murthy; Flow of a micro-polar fluid past a permeable sphere; IeJEMTA, 2010 to appear.
  15. J.V.Ramana Murthy, P.Muthu, G.Nagaraju: Finite Difference Solution for MHD flow of couple stress fluid between two concentric rotating cylinders with porous lining; IJAMM, Vol 6 (12), 2010, pp 1 -28.
  16. J.V.Ramana Murthy, G.Nagaraju, P.Muthu; Numerical Solution of Longitudinal And Torsional Oscillations of a Circular Cylinder With Suction in a Couple Stress Fluid; aprn J. Engg. App. Sci., Vol 5, No. 5, 2010, pp 51 - 63.
  17. J.V.Ramana Murthy, N.K.Bahali, D.Srinivasacharya; Unsteady Flow of Micro-polar Fluid Through a Circular Pipe Under Transverse Magnetic Field With Suction/ Injection;  Selcuk. J. Appl. Math, Vol 11, No 2, 2010 pp
  18. D.Srinivasacharya, Mekonnen Shiferaw, J.V.Ramana Murthy; Steady Flow of an Incompressible Micropolar Fluid Trough a Rectangular Channel; I.J.A.M.M, 6(17), 2010, pp 55 - 63.
  19. Maruthi Prasad, G.Radhakrishnamacharya, J.V.Ramana Murthy; Peristaltic Pumping of Micropolar Fluid in an Inclined Tube; I.J.A.M.M, 6(11) 2010, pp 26 - 40.
  20. Gurunath C.Sankad, G.Radhakrishnamacharya, J.V.Ramana MurthyLong Wave Length Approximation to Peristaltic Motion of Micropolar Fluid With Wall Effects; Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2(2) 2010, pp 222 -237.
  21. J.V.Ramana Murthy and N.K.Bahali; micropolar fluid flow in a straight circular cylinder performing longitudinal and torsional oscillations; Comput. Thermal. Scien. Vol 3.(2), 2011 pp 123-131.
  22. J.V.Ramana Murthy, K.S.Sai, N.K.Bahali; Steady flow of Micropolar Fluid in a Rectangular Channel Under Transverse Magnetic Field With Suction; AIP Advances 1, 032123, 2011, pp 1-10.
  23. J.V.Ramana Murthy, G. Nagaraju, K.S.Sai: Numerical solution for MHD flow of Micro polar fluid between two concentric rotating cylinders with porous lining; IJNS (Nonlinear Science) 2011, pp 1-12.
  24. Aparna, J.V.Ramana Murthy; Rotary oscillations of a permeable sphere in an incompressible micropolar fluid; IJAMM, vol 8(16), 2012, pp 79 - 91.
  25. J.V. Ramana Murthy and J. Srinivas., Second Law Analysis for Poiseuille Flow of Immiscible Micropolar Fluids in a channel, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 65, pp. 254-264,2013.
  26. J.V. Ramana Murthy and J. Srinivas., Thermodynamic Second Law Analysis of Radiative Heat Transfer in two Immiscible Micropolar Fluids in a Channel, Proceedings of the 22nd National and 11th International; ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference; Dec 28-31, 2013, IITK, India, HMTC1300113
  27.  G. Nagaraju and JV Ramana Murthy; Mhd flow of Longitudinal and Torsional oscillations of a circular cylinder with suction in a couple stress fluid,, Int.J. of Applied Mechanics and Engineering(VERSITA DOI:10.2478), 2013, Vol.18,No.4, pp.1099-1114.
  28. J.V.Ramana Murthy, M.Phanikumar; Axi Symmetric Flow of a Viscous fluid Past an Impervious Sphere at moderate Reynolds numbers; IJAMM (2013)
  29. J.V.Ramana Murthy, G.Nagaraju, P.Muthu; Flow Generated Due to Longitudinal And Torsional Ocsillations Of A Circular Cylinder With Suction/Injection In A Micropolar Fluid;Tamkang J. of Mathematics, vol43(3) 2012, pp 339-356.
  30. G. Nagaraju, J. V. Ramana Murthy and K.S.Sai; Free surface of a rotating micropolar fluid in a cylindrical container with porous lining;  Int. J of Appl Math and Mech, Vol 8, No 15, pp 76-88, 2012.
  31. Odelu Ojjela, J.V.Ramana Murthy; Microploar Fluid Flow Between Two Porous Parallel Plates With Suction And Injection; IJAMM, vol 10(5) 2013, pp 47 -57.
  32. G. Nagaraju, JV Ramana Murthy and KS Sai; Steady mhd flow of micropolar fluid between two rotating cylinders with porous lining;  Acta Technica Corviniensis-Bulletin of Engg.,Tome VI (year 2013)-Fascicule 3 [July-September], pp 115-121
  33. K.Narla,K.M.Prasad, J.V.Ramana Murthy;    Peristaltic Motion of Viscoelastic Fluid With Fractional Second Grade Model in Curved Channels; Chinese J. Engineering, 2013,  pp 1-7; http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/582390
  34. J.V.Ramana Murthy, K.M.Prasad, V.K.Narla; Unsteady Peristaltic Transport in Curved Channels; Physics of Fluids, vol 25, 091903 , 2013
  35. J.V.Ramana Murthy, J.Srinivas; Second law Analysis For Poiseuille Flow of Immiscible Micropolar Fluids in a Channel; IJHMT vol 65, 2013, pp 254 - 264. www.elsevier.com/ locate/ijhmt.
  36. J.V.Ramana Murthy, J.Srinivas, K.S.Sai; Flow of Immiscible Micropolar Fluids Between Two Porous Beds; J.porous Media, Vol 17(4) 2014, pp 287 - 300.
  37. J.V.Ramana Murthy, J.Srinivas; First and Second Law of Analysis for the MHD Flow of Two Immiscible Couple Stress Fluids Between Two Parallel Plates; Heat Transfer Asian Research, Vol 00(0) 2014
  38. Nagaraju, J.V.Ramana Murthy; Unsteady Flow of a Micropolar fluid Generated by a Circular Cylinder Subject to Longitudinal and Torsional Oscillations; Theoret. Appl. Mech. TEOPM7, Vol.41(1), 2014, pp.71 - 91.
  39. J.V.Ramana Murthy, Tarni Mandal; Variational Iteration Method for Flow of Micropolar Fluid Through i) A Rectangular Channel and ii) A circular Pipe.; Int. J. of Arts and Sciences, 2014.
  40.  Srinivas, J. V. Ramana Murthy, K. S. Sai; Entropy Generation Analysis Of The Flow  Of  Two Immiscible Couple Stress Fluids Between Two Porous Bed; Computational Thermal Sciences, 7 (2)(2015):pp 123-137
  41. J V Ramana Murthy, G S Bhaskara Rao and T Govinda Rao; Resonance type flow due to rectilinear oscillations of a sphere in a micropolar fluid; Conference Series 662 (2015) 012015;
  42. J V Ramana Murthy, G.S.Bhaskara Rao and T.Govinda Rao; Resonance Type Flow Due to Rotary Oscillations of a Sphere in a Micropolar Fluid; Procedia Engineering 127  ( 2015 ) pp 1323 - 1329
  43. J. Srinivas and J V Ramana Murthy; Flow of Two Immiscible Couple Stress Fluids between Two Permeable Beds;  Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics , Vol. 9, No. 1(2016), pp. 501-507.
  44. Aparna, J.V. Ramana Murthy, G. Nagaraju; Couple on a rotating permeable sphere in a couple stress fluid; Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2016
  45. Srinivas and J. V. Ramana Murthy; Second Law Analysis of the Flow of Two Immiscible Micropolar Fluids between Two Porous Beds; Journal of Engineering Thermo physics, 2016, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 126-142; DOI: 10.1134/S1810232816010124
  46.  Srinivas, J.V. Ramana Murthy and Ali J Chamkha; Analysis of entropy generation in an inclined channel flow containing two immiscible micropolar fluids using HAM; International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow 26(3/4):1027-1049 Â· May( 2016)  DOI: 10.1108/HFF-09-2015-0354.
  47. Srinivas and J. V. Ramana Murthy; Thermal Analysis Of A Flow Of Immiscible Couple Stress Fluids In A Channel; Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 2016, Vol. 57, No. 6, pp. 997–1005.
  48. Srinivas and J. V. Ramana Murthy; Flow of Two Immiscible Couple Stress Fluids between Two Permeable Beds; J A F M, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 501-507, 2016
  49. K. Narla, K. M. Prasad  and J. V. Ramana Murthy;  Second Law Analysis Of A Peristaltic Flow Of An Incompressible Viscous Fluid In A Curved Channel;  2016, MAPT-TOM, No.2
  50. Srinivas, J. V. Ramana Murthy and O. Anwar Bég; Entropy generation analysis of radiative heat transfer effects on channel flow of two immiscible couple stress fluids; J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng.(2017) DOI 10.1007/s40430-017-0752-6
  51. K. Narla, K.M. Prasad and  J.V. Ramana Murthy; Time-dependent peristaltic analysis in a curved conduit: Application to chyme movement through intestine; Mathematical Biosciences 293 (2017) 21–28.
  52. Nagaraju, J. Srinivas, J.V. Ramana Murthy and A.M. Rashad; Entropy Generation Analysis of the MHD Flow of Couple Stress Fluid between Two Concentric Rotating Cylinders with Porous Lining; Heat Transfer—Asian Research, 46 (4), 2017, pp 316 – 330.
  53. Sreelakshmi, G. Sarojamma and J. V. Ramana Murthy; Homotopy Analysis of an Unsteady Flow Heat Transfer of a Jeffrey Nanofluid Over a Radially Stretching Convective Surface; Journal of Nanofluids , Vol. 7, pp. 1–10, 2018
  54. Pavankumar Reddy and J. V. Ramana Murthy; Heat Flow in a Rectangular Plate; Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2019, pp 223 – 231.
  55. Aparna, N. Pothanna and J. V. Ramana Murthy; Viscous Fluid Flow Past a Permeable Cylinder; NHTFF, 2019,pp 285- 293
  56. Govinda Rao, J. V. Ramana Murthy and G. S. Bhaskara Rao; Couple-Stress Fluid Flow Due to Rectilinear Oscillations of a Circular Cylinder: Case of Resonance; NHTFF, 2019, pp 567 - 574
  57. Nagaraju, J rinivas, J.V.Ramana Murthy, O.A.Beg and kadir; Second Law Analysis of Flow in a Circular Pipe With Uniform Suction and Magnetic Field Effects; Journal of Heat Transfer, JANUARY 2019, Vol. 141 / 012004-1
  58. T Govinda Rao, J V Ramana Murthy And G S Bhaskara Rao; Longitudinal oscillations of a circular cylinder in a micro-polar fluid:case of resonance; Sadhna, (2019) 44:66, pp 1 - 8

National Journals

  1. Pydi Setty, J.V.Ramana Murthy; Development of a model for drying of solids in a continuous fluidized bed dryer, Indian J.Chem.Tech., 2003, Vol 10,  Sept.  pp  477 - 482
  2. Iyengar, J.V.Ramana Murthy, G.Bhaskara Rao; Micropolar fluid flow through a rectangular channel under periodic pressure gradient; Journal of Indian Acad. Math., 2006, Vol 28, No.2, pp 387 - 407.
  3. J.V.Ramana Murthy, N. Srinivasacharyulu, P. Aparna; Uniform flow of an incompressible couple stress fluid past a permeable sphere, Cal. Math. Soc. 2007, Vol 99.
  4. Iyengar, J.V.Ramana Murthy, G.Bhaskara Rao; Steady flow of an incompressible micropolar fluid through a rectangular channel, National Academy of Sciences (section - A), 2007, Vol 77 A, No.iv, pp 381 - 388.
  5. J.V.Ramana Murthy, G. Nagaraju, K.S.Sai; Exact solution for couple stress fluid flow due to rotating cylinders with porous lining under an axial magnetic field; BAMS 25(2), 2010, pp 265- 285.

 Conference Proceedings

  1. J.V.Ramana Murthy; Indian Mathematics - I, II (Telugu), Souv. APSMS, 1987, Sept.
  2. Iyengar, J.V.Ramana Murthy; Drag on an axisymmetric body oscillating rectilinearly in an incompressible dusty fluid, Proc. ISTAM, 1996, vol 41, pp33 - 40
  3. Pydi Setty, J.V.Ramana Murthy; Modelling of Heat transfer in a fluidized bed, Proceedings of 50th ISTAM , 2005, Dec.
  4. J.V.Ramana Murthy, N.Srinivasacharyulu, N.K.Bahali and O.Odelu; unsteady     flow   of   conducting    micropolar    fluid between   two  parallel  porous  plates   with  a transverse magnatic    field; Proceedings of 52nd ISTAM, 2007, pp 193-201.
  5. J.V.Ramana Murthy, P.Aparna, Oscillatory flow of an incompressible couple stress fluid past a permeable sphere, Proceedings of 53rd ISTAM congress, Dec,2008 at Osmania University, Hyderabad.
  6. J.V.Ramana Murthy, K.S.Sai, N.K.Bahali; Steady Flow of Micropolar Fluid in a Rectangular Channel under Transverese Magnetic Field with Suction; Proceedings of 55th ISTAM, 2010, pp19 - 27.
  7. J. V. Ramana Murthy, M. Phani Kumar; Exact Solution For Mass Transfer Over Contaminated Fluid Sphere For Stokes Flow; 59th ISTAM, 2014;
  8. J. V. Ramana Murthy, G.S.Bhaskara Rao and T.Govinda Rao; Resonance Type Flow Due to Rectilinear Oscillations of a Circular Cylinder in A Micropolar Fluid; 59th ISTAM

International Conferences

  1. J.V.Ramana Murthy, Variational Iteration Method for MHD flow of Couple stress Fluid in Rotating Cylinders With Porous Lining, 1st International Conference on Applied Science, Mathematics and Humanities, Malaysia, Nov,2011
  2. J.V.Ramana Murthy, J.Srinivas; Thermodynamic Second Law Analysis of Radiative Heat Transfer in Two Immiscible Micropolar Fluids in a Channel; 11th International ISHMT ; ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, IIT Kharagpur, Dec 28- 31, 2013.
  3. J.V.Ramana Murthy, Tarni Mandal; Variational Iteration Method for Flow of Micropolar Fluid Through i) A Rectangular Channel and ii) A circular Pipe.; University of London, London 2013.
  4. J.V.Ramana Murhty, J.Srinivas; Therrmodynamic Analysis for an inclined Channel Containing Two Immiscible Couple Stress Fluids Using HAM; 10th Con. On Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, HEFAT 2014, July 14-16, Orlando, USA
  5. J.V.Ramana Murhty, J.Srinivas; Second Law Analysis of the Flow Of Two Immiscible Couple Stress Fluids in Four Zones; 10th Con. On Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, HEFAT 2014, July 14-16, Orlando, USA

PHDs Supervised


Ph.D.'s Supervised

Name of the Scholar   Title of the Thesis Award Year
P.Aparna Micropolar and Couple stress fluid flows about a permeable sphere 2006
N.K.Bahali Some Micropolar Fluid flows Through Rectangular and Circular Ducts 2010
G.Nagaraju Micropolar and Couple stress Fluid Flows due to Rotatory motion of Circular Cylinders 2010
Srinivas Jangili Analysis of Entropy Generation Rate For Immiscible Non-Newtonian Fluid Flows With Couple Stresses In Channel Configurations. 2015-Feb
Meduri Phani Kumar Viscous Fluid Flow Past A Solid/ Fluid Sphere At Moderate Reynolds Numbers Using Homotopy Analysis 2015-Feb
Vamsi Krishna Narla Peristaltic Transport In Curved Channels 2015- July
GovindaRao Tangudu Resonance Type Flows Due To Oscillations Of Symmetric Bodies In Fluids With Couple-Stresses 2019-May
Pavankumar Reddy M Fluid flow and heat transfer in rectangular geometry with/without suction/ injection 2019-July 



Workshop/SSTPs/Conference Organized

Title of the work shop

Advances in Fluid Dynamics with emphasis to Non-Newtonian fluid Flows   J.V.Ramana Murthy 23 - 27, Jun 2008
Symbolic computing and Numerical programming using Mathematica/ Matlab   D.Bhargavi and J.V.Ramana Murthy 10 -12, July 2015

Numerical and Symbolic Computing (NSC)


 Prof. K. N. S. Kasi Viswanadham, Prof. J. V. Ramana Murthy

Dr. D. Bhargavi

27 -31,  May 2019

Awards and Honors


Awards And Honours

Award Name Detail
APTeachers Association for Mathematics State 1st at Degree level in an Essay competition on "Indian Mathematics" 1980
CSIR- Reseach Fellow (1984 - 1989)  
Outstanding Presentation for a paper at  HEFAT 2014, July 14-16, Orlando, USA 

 Second Law Analysis of the Flow Of  Two Immiscible Couple Stress Fluids in Four Zones; 10th Int. Con. On Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics,

Additional Responsibility


Additional Responsibility

  1. 2006 Class time Table incharge for I B.Tech
  2. 2008-10 Class Time Table incharge for M.Sc Mathematics 
  3. 2007 - 2009, Hostel Warden
  4. 2009 - 10 Library incharge for the Department
  5. 2011- 2018  Nodal Officer for the Institution to collect data for MHRD
  6. 2012-14  Head, Department of Mathematics
  7. 2018- Nodal Officer for NAD